Account Opening

Activating an account
What does activating an F&O account mean?How much time will it take to activate my account?What is KRA, and do I need to know my KRA?Why is my application being sent to the exchange?Are there any charges for activating my account on Punch?
What if my account gets rejected by the exchange?

If your application is rejected, it may be due to unlinked PAN and Aadhaar, a blacklisted account, or invalid KRA status. We will notify you of the issue and reapply instructions.

There are three primary reasons why your application might get rejected by the exchanges:

  • Your PAN and Aadhaar number are not linked
  • Your account has been blacklisted by the exchanges for prior offences
  • Your KRA status was not validated

If your application does get rejected, we will notify you about your status and the issue so you can rectify it and reapply.

Why is my account still not activated? How do I track my application status on Punch?
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