Options Trading on Punch

Why is the default chart on Punch a spot chart?What scrips are available on Punch?
How do I change scrips on Punch?

To change scrips, tap the double arrow icon at the bottom centre, browse through available options in the carousel, and tap to plot the spot chart.

  • Tap the double arrow icon at the bottom center of the screen to reveal the scrips in a carousel format.
  • Drag the carousel from right to left to browse through all available scrips.
  • Tap on a scrip to plot its spot chart.

How many expiries are available on Punch, and how can I view them?How can I access the option chart on Punch?Can I see the full screen view of the option price chart?Can I do analysis on the option price chart?How do I view the option price chart for different strikes and call/puts?Does Punch have Candlestick charts?What chart timeframes are available on Punch?How to activate the crosshair on Punch?
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