Trouble- Shooting

Account opening
My income proof got rejected, what should I do?

If your documents are rejected, a Punch expert will contact you with specific reasons and instructions for correction.

Meanwhile please ensure your documents meets our onboarding criteria:

  • Clarity and Validity: The document must be clear and currently valid.
  • Name Match: Your name on the document must match the one on your Punch account.
  • Full Document: The document should not be cropped.
  • Recency: The document must be up-to-date.

Specific requirements:

  • Bank Statement: Last 6 months, with at least one credit transaction over ₹10,000.
  • Salary Slip: Last three months, bearing the company seal or letterhead along with a signature.
  • ITR Acknowledgment: From the last 2 fiscal year, showing your full name and PAN.
  • Form 16: Form 16B from the last fiscal year, showing your full name and PAN.
  • Holding Statement: Shows holdings over ₹10,000, with your full name and PAN.


Why do I need a Gmail ID for registration? My bank account statement fetching process failed, what should I do?My bank account verification has failed, what should I do?My income proof is not getting submitted on Punch, what should I do?I can’t see the option to upload a bank statement manually, what should I do?Who can I contact for support from the Punch team?
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